Friday, March 27, 2020

After School Tutoring - Permission Slip Requirements

After School Tutoring - Permission Slip RequirementsIf you would like to give after school tutoring then you will need to get a permission slip. The requirements for a permission slip are that it should be able to show where the tutor is going to come from, where they are going to come from and what is going to happen to the children when they are out for after school tutoring. The other requirement for a permission slip is that it should be dated as well.You will also need to ensure that there is an agreement signed by both the tutor and the child. This agreement needs to state that the tutor has to pay the child's tuition fees at the end of the after school tutoring. This is a very important part of the agreement. However, if the agreement states that the tutor has to pay the child's tuition fees, then you need to ensure that this is included in the agreement as well.It is important to note that while you are giving after school tutoring it is only going to be one session. This mea ns that you will need to make sure that you have all the paperwork in place in order to ensure that everything is okay.As the tutor you will need to make sure that you check on your child as much as possible. It is important that you make sure that they eat and drink properly and if they fall ill, that you visit them straight away. In order to do this you may need to go with your child to the hospital or doctor as soon as you have finished your session.Once you have finished with your after school tutoring, you should encourage your child to take student leave. You should make sure that they go to get their homework, but also make sure that they go to the gym and exercise.If you fail to check on your child as often as you should, you may be breaking the law as it is against the law for the tutor to be unsupervised. If you are the parent and you allow this to happen, then you may be guilty of neglect.It is not just after school tutoring that you need to get checked on though. Sometim es it is really necessary to take a trip with your child as well. Make sure that you ask for a travel permission slip to be signed so that the tutor knows where you are going and that you are allowed to take your child with you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Anaheim English Tutoring Four Points about Semicolons

Anaheim English Tutoring Four Points about Semicolons Tips From an Anaheim English Tutor: Semicolons Tips From an Anaheim English Tutor: Semicolons As a private Anaheim tutor, I often see the semicolon as an area of confusion and misunderstanding for my students; they have wild misconceptions of how it is supposed to be used and often believe it is something for only very advanced writing. Luckily, this confusion is not because the semicolon is a type of punctuation that is overly difficult to use; instead, it is because the semicolon is simply taught late and usually taught briefly. Semicolons are effective in many situations; they can connect thoughts in a more organic way, and they can avoid ambiguity in some sentences. Students in early years master punctuation like periods, exclamation points, and question marks; in later years learn to use commas, quotation marks, and apostrophes; and ultimately conclude with some education on semicolons, colons, and em dashes call TutorNerds today to book you private Anaheim English tutor. They are taught last, they are used least, and they are given lackluster, limited emphasis; but that is not to say that they should be taught last or that they aren’t useful and easy to learn. Now, semicolons may seem a little clunkier when they are used one after another in a single paragraph, but they can add some quality variety when used occasionally in your regular writing.   You can see some examples of how a semicolon can be used in sentences above.   Now let’s break down some key points to remember when using a semicolon to help you learn it.   This won’t be a thorough examination of the punctuation and grammar; instead, it will just help you know the main places you can use it and how to use it grammatically correct. Use it to combine two sentences. This is the most common use of the semicolon.   It is the main use in the first three sentences of this article and is also how the last sentence in the paragraph above uses it.   You can have transitions or conjunctions also to help connect the sentences, or you can just have the sentences be related by subject.   Use a semicolon when you could use a period and start the next sentence, but you want the two sentences to be more connected and show that they have similar significance. Check your grammar by replacing it with a period. If you are using the semicolon to combine two sentences (two independent clauses), then you should be able to replace it with a period and still have to complete sentences.   If you replace it with a period and suddenly it doesn’t make sense, then you used it incorrectly.   Both parts have to be full sentences on their own and not just phrases. Don’t capitalize the first word. Because it is used as a period, many students want to capitalize the first letter of the word following a semicolon.   Don’t do this.   It is still just one sentence, don’t add extra capitalization. Use it to clear up the confusion of too many commas. This is the less common use.   You can see it in action in the last two sentences of the first paragraph above.   If you have a “list of lists,” then the repetitive commas can be distracting or confusing to read.   For example: “The four teams each have specific colors on their uniforms: red, blue, and yellow, green and gold, black, brown, and orange, and magenta.”   This can be confusing or even ambiguous.   Use semicolons for the big list, and commas for the small ones inside: “The four teams each have specific colors on their uniforms: red, blue, and yellow; green and gold; black, brown, and orange; and magenta.”   You can use a semicolon in place of a comma in a compound sentence if you feel there are too many commas complicating the sentence, like in the last sentence of the first paragraph (this is an uncommon usage of the semicolon). The first three points will help you get through almost all of your semicolon usage grammatically correctly.   The fourth point is far less common but helpful to know in case you see it.   The best way to get better at using it is to practice; so start adding some semicolons to your writing to create beautiful, complex sentences! Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, except for guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Why your teaching vacancies matter

Why your teaching vacancies matter As you begin your search for your newest teachers this school year, we encourage you to consider each position individually and ask yourself, “which teacher will make a difference in this position?” Hiring new teachers is no small feat. Each teacher will impact the lives of an entire classroom of learners for a whole year. This means that taking the time to find the perfect teacher is absolutely crucial. But how do you draw the best talent to your teaching positions? Read below for some tips on how to make your vacancies matter. Know that the teacher is interviewing you as well When it comes to interviews, it’s often a two-way street. Teachers interested in international teaching positions are willing to leave their country of origin and familiarity behind for an exciting new teaching adventure. But only if the new position is right for them. This means you have to market the school well in your job description and in the interview. But how do you do this? Teachers want to know that they’re going to work at a school that cares about them and their professional development. Many teachers subscribe to the belief that part of what makes a great teacher is the never-ending desire to learn. When you’re producing your job descriptions, take the time to speak to the professional development opportunities that your school provides, the resources available to new and continuing teachers, and the networking/collaboration opportunities at your school. Use a teacher recruitment service that cares At Teach Away, we live and breathe international education. We’ve helped institutions hire literally thousands of teachers over the last few years. But not just any teachers, we’ve helped schools to find the best teachers. After all, the best teachers produce the brightest students. During recruitment, look to partner with a teacher recruitment agency that understands what makes a great teacher. If you would like to read more about one of our recruitment partnerships, take a look at one of our testimonials.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Biology Tutor in Merced, CA

Biology Tutor in Merced, CA Meet our new Biology Tutor Sravani M.  She lives in Merced, CA  and specializes in biology,  biology (molecular),  cell biology,  essay writing, math, algebra, trigonometry. Sravani Mylavarapu graduated from the University of California, Merced with a Biological Sciences degree and a minor in Psychology. Throughout  her college career,  she learned to perfect  her time management and organization skills in order to become successful. This included attending office hours provided by teaching assistants and professors to stay on top of the material. Sravani was able to understand what was expected of  her by being in close contact with professors and teachers so  she could direct  her learning appropriately. Sravani used this knowledge to perfect her test scores over time and become more confident as  she finished receiving  her degree. Sravani would like to spread this knowledge by being a tutor as  she can help with the study material as well as provide tips in order to be a great student. Sravani can connect with   students and help them understand what they need to know in order to improve test scores and become adept over time. She  will create lesson plans which are appropriate for each student as well as the subject matter to ensure that the best system is available. She will ensure to find the students strengths and weaknesses in order to create a lesson that can be catered to them. Feel free to contact  Sravani or other tutors on if you have any questions. Our tutors are here to help you! Biology Tutor in Merced, CA Meet our new Biology Tutor Sravani M.  She lives in Merced, CA  and specializes in biology,  biology (molecular),  cell biology,  essay writing, math, algebra, trigonometry. Sravani Mylavarapu graduated from the University of California, Merced with a Biological Sciences degree and a minor in Psychology. Throughout  her college career,  she learned to perfect  her time management and organization skills in order to become successful. This included attending office hours provided by teaching assistants and professors to stay on top of the material. Sravani was able to understand what was expected of  her by being in close contact with professors and teachers so  she could direct  her learning appropriately. Sravani used this knowledge to perfect her test scores over time and become more confident as  she finished receiving  her degree. Sravani would like to spread this knowledge by being a tutor as  she can help with the study material as well as provide tips in order to be a great student. Sravani can connect with   students and help them understand what they need to know in order to improve test scores and become adept over time. She  will create lesson plans which are appropriate for each student as well as the subject matter to ensure that the best system is available. She will ensure to find the students strengths and weaknesses in order to create a lesson that can be catered to them. Feel free to contact  Sravani or other tutors on if you have any questions. Our tutors are here to help you!

Tis the Season to be Healthy

'Tis the Season to be Healthy Photo by George Eastman House via Overindulging is one of the many reasons people experience health issues around the holiday season. Eat several smaller meals throughout the day rather than trying to “save your appetite”. Starving yourself until that one special holiday meal might sound a fantastic idea until you realize that you are overeating during your meal. Smaller and more frequent meals allow your metabolism to increase. You are less likely to binge. You can still enjoy that slice of apple pie, rather than the entire dish! While you’re enjoying more daily (and healthy) meals, take advantage of the Internet! This is not a demand to spend countless hours online (although that is enjoyable…and time consuming). Make use of that time by looking up healthier alternatives to traditional holiday meals! Websites such as Pinterest contain creative and fit recipes, including tofu pumpkin pie and low sugar and high protein muffins. Several of the traditional holiday foods that we enjoy are already full of nutrition. Pumpkin is an excellent source of iron, and there are simple low-fat alternatives such as using egg substitute and skim milk. Cranberries are an excellent fruit during this season, and artificial sweeteners can easily make the dish lower in calories. The white meat of turkey is considered low-fat. However, the dark meat has more iron. Turkey makes a great meal, just remember to stay away from the skin! Food is the center of celebrations during this time of the year. Do not be afraid to embrace that! Just do so in moderation. Switch up the holidays with different and nutritional recipes that still express the atmosphere and tradition of this season! Like the boy in the picture, you can still share excitement about holiday favorites…but with a better outcome.

Learn to Read and Write English Fast

Learn to Read and Write English FastOne of the greatest challenges that people face when they decide to learn to read and write English is finding the right resources. Online resources are an excellent option for those who do not have time to dedicate to learning a language on their own. These resources will help students gain a solid grasp of English grammar and improve their fluency in reading and writing.There are so many resources available on the Internet today, but it can be difficult to narrow down your choice to just one or two. Some options include teaching yourself how to read and write with audio CD's, software programs, online text books and eBooks. Unfortunately, even though many options exist, some of them don't work and others work great but are not affordable. It is important to consider all the options available and select the one that best suits your budget.When you choose to learn to read and write English, it can be a challenge to find what you need to get started . There are many different types of resources available, but not all of them are worth their weight in gold. Some of the popular choices are paper textbooks, downloadable instructional materials, online course materials and eBooks. There are many other resources that can help you learn to read and write English but unfortunately they are not as popular as those mentioned above.A good resource for new students is to check out different learning materials. There are several options available for the language learner that includes books, eBooks, audio CDs, downloadable materials and software programs. You can also learn with videos. If you think that it may be difficult to pick up the language by yourself, try one of these options. Since they are easily accessible, you should be able to learn to read and write English quickly and inexpensively.Because you may be new to the language and you will be spending time with your family while you learn to read and write English, you should make sure that you select a resource that is proven effective and affordable. However, it can be difficult to find the best resource for your particular needs. Some options include using home videos, literature and interactive games. There are also other choices that you can consider like studying online, foreign language immersion and ESL.Learning to read and write English is a challenge that any student faces, but if you choose the right resources, you can make this challenge easy and affordable. The Internet has many resources available for the language learner that you can choose from. For those who are new to the language, you should focus on making sure that you choose a resource that is highly rated. This will make it easier for you to learn.By choosing the right resources, you can focus on learning how to read and write English. When you make this your priority, you will be able to learn in a natural manner and you will find that you can enjoy your lessons because you will be su ccessful. There are many ways to help you learn to read and write English, and these resources should help you make the transition from learning to read and write.

Tips to Find the Best Chemistry Tutors For Organic Chemistry

Tips to Find the Best Chemistry Tutors For Organic ChemistryIn the new chemistry biology class, organic chem tutor's help students to build better relationships and better chemistry in general. Organic chem tutor can help you avoid failing the exams if you learn about the different compounds that you have to learn about in order to pass your chemistry exams. An organic chem tutor will give you more time for studying and more attention to your problem. You have to start in the first week of class and you can even study and read with a personal assistant or tutor on a tutor service.The tutorials on practical learning in organic chemistry will help you build a good foundation in your chemistry. If you know that some chemicals could be toxic, then you must be able to identify the effects of each substance, such as PBT, ethylene glycol, and TMA. Some chemical substances could be pretty dangerous for the health.You must remember that organic chemistry is related to everything else in chemi stry. Chemists are very knowledgeable in dealing with such problems, but to some people, they might have a big trouble with these concepts. They could not apply their knowledge for the real life situations.It could be very difficult for a person to understand something if he doesn't know it, and sometimes it could be frustrating for them to get some explanation from the teacher. Chemists must be aware of the meaning of science, and of the value of information in education. They must explain this on their blogs and on their lecture series.The different reactions in organic chemistry are quite complex, and it is necessary to build strong connections between those processes and those which could lead to growth of life. Chemistry is about chemistry, so your support system is very important for you to build good chemistry. Chemists must keep in mind that this is a program that is built by humans to make a living, so they must be prepared and must be willing to assist their students in th eir needs.Chemistry is a very rich science, but not everybody knows how to study and use the knowledge. Chemistry class often frustrates a lot of students, because the teacher is very strict and does not accept suggestions of his students. Students should find the best chemistry tutor. The list of the best chemistry tutor will help you find the best chemistry tutors in your area.Chemists might have to study for years before they have the success of their chemistry class. Those who are interested in organic chemistry should not wait until the class ends. It would be a pity for them to fail the exam, because they need to become more knowledgeable about organic chemistry.

An Introduction to Alkane Definition Chemistry

An Introduction to Alkane Definition ChemistryAlkane Definition Chemistry is a term that most of us should know. It is in reference to the system by which the gas that you breathe in is broken down and turned into a gas that you exhale. So yes, it's true.What is it called, you ask? Well, I prefer to call it a change of state that occurs during your normal breathing, but even better than that is the term definition that is given to it by the American Heritage Dictionary. It's not just the acronym that is unique.The American Heritage Dictionary defines alkane as 'pH that is less than seven on the pH scale; that is generally found in acidic or basic solutions.' However, most dictionaries agree that the word actually comes from an Italian name that means acid. The Italian name can be traced back to the Latin word for acid. In fact, it is usually pronounced A-Lane.When you hear the word alkane being used in a dictionary, you might wonder why this is a good thing to hear. Why should you le arn what an alkane is? The answer is quite simple. It's a good way to know what our air smells like.It is no secret that the smell of a room or an area can tell you much about its inhabitants. Of course, the smell of a room is just as affected by food and drink that has been left out for a while as it is by something more immediate. However, the scent of a room can tell you more than you think.Because we breathe through our noses, when we turn the air into the room too cold it will be converted into a gas known as flat white particles that can easily fill a room. Once this happens, the air in the room will smell just as if someone was cooking something on the stove. There is another reason to learn the science behind what we breathe, as well.Most of us take their central heating very seriously. As such, we have central heating systems that are set up for maximum comfort. How much do you know about these systems? You know, when it is cold outside, you set your central heating to go a ll the way up to the max and as soon as you flip the switch, it starts heating the room the moment the AC is turned on.

Why Learn How To Sew With Sewing Patterns

Why Learn How To Sew With Sewing Patterns Use Sewing Patterns As A Beginner to Learn to Sew ChaptersWhy Do You Need to Use Sewing Patterns?Where Can You Find Beginner Sewing Patterns?Website to Find Free Sewing PatternsIs There Any Point in Actually Buying Sewing Patterns?“Sewing is the Queen of the world.” - PindareAnd those who practise sewing, with their clever hands, are the princes and princesses of the human world.You have already taken sewing lessons - from your mother, from friends, from online sewing classes or official sewing courses London?Wonderful! But knowing how to hand sew, stick, knit or use a sewing machine is of little use if you don’t have any sewing patterns to copy or adapt - it’s very hard to sew without plan, improvising as you go along.Now is the time to go look for good sewing patterns at various difficulty levels.We have tried to gather here for you the main categories of free sewing patterns: the Web is a true treasure trove for patterns (patterns found in paying magazines, sewing books or online sewing classes can hardly be called “fre e” since you are paying for the medium they are found in.)We won’t be covering how to read and adapt sewing patterns - this is part of learning how to sew. If you’re unsure how to use a specific pattern, some sites offer them as part of a sewing tutorial. Otherwise, search for sew-along videos such as this one.Take a look at our expanded selection of reading materials for learning how to sew!Tote bags make good beginner sewing projects - with the right sewing pattern you can make them really creative. Photo by 190.arch (aka bymamma190) on VisualHuntSo grab your sewing scissors and pinking shears for these beginner sewing patterns. And why not bring them to your sewing class for live advice on how to sew them?So Sew Easy includes both simple crafts projects such as bags and pillow and several different kinds of skirts, trousers, dresses and tunics.Craftsy   has a series of skirts and tops in various shapes to help you learn how to sew, not to mention the obligatory pouches and bags.Allfree Sewing has a variety of projects including maxi dresses, aprons, shorts, Christmas ornaments, coasters etc.Website to Find Free Sewing PatternsWant to sew a skirt or a pair of trousers? Whether you are a beginner sewing enthusiast or a professional, want to sew children’s clothing, menswear or women’s garments, there are a lot of online sites offering free sewing patterns at various levels:Sew, by its own voice the “UK’s Bestselling Sewing Mag” has a variety of free online sewing patterns ranging from ties to footstools to maternity wear.Sew Can She  offers craft patterns, bags and various items of apparel from leggings to infinity scarves, as well as quilting blocks, home dec and various fat quarter projects.Sewing Support offers hundreds of free patterns thankfully organised by type: from mittens to skirts to lingerie to slippers to baby clothes.Dress patterns are common sewing patterns. Browse the Net for cute or unusual creations! Photo by loopsandlife on Visual huntDon’t hesitate to use social media, either. Anyone having elaborated their own sewing pattern can share the pictures over Pinterest and its equivalents.And searching google pictures for the type of pattern you want (”tank top pattern”, “cushion pattern” or “summer dress pattern”) will turn up free downloadable patterns as well as the usual big pattern firms. And you can immediately compare to see which ones please you the most!Discover our picks for the  best online sewing patterns...Is There Any Point in Actually Buying Sewing Patterns?As we have seen, free sewing patterns offer a lot of variety and some real treasures, so that it seems pointless to even think about paying for patterns.However, there are situations in which you might want to spend money for a pattern.Why? Because that pattern right there - yes, that one - is exactly what you are looking for: that cute summer maxi dress with smocking and ribbon ties in just the style you want and which you h aven’t found anywhere else.It’s that sort of chance encounter that can push you to turn to paying alternatives - often haute couture patterns for advanced seamstresses and tailors.The more skillful amongst you might even want to try and elaborate your own pattern - and the height of generosity would be, of course, to share it on the Web yourself as a free sewing pattern… Or build up a patter store and make a living out of selling them…Indie Patterns You Don't Want to Miss Out OnAnd if you don’t want to turn to Burda, Butterick’s, McCall’s or Vogue for your patterns, why not try out indie pattern makers? This site sells patterns from several indie makers; and here are a few more:Tilly and the Buttons has all sorts of shirts, skirts, dresses and maternity wear in a slightly rockabilly look.Cashmerette specialises in plus-size patterns.Simple Sew patterns are specifically designed to be easy to make - and thus ideal for your next beginner sewing lesson.Named Clothing  off ers a very wide range of patterns from bathrobes to business suits - you can be sure to find what you are looking for there.Oliver S specialises in children’s clothing - from onesies to adorable little dresses.The Fabric Godmother stocks a number of different patternmakers - and you can buy the fabrics for your next sewing project there, too!And don’t forget to be on the lookout for your online haberdashery’s special sales on sewing patterns to get more value for your money on the big brands.Discover now a treasure trove of resources for learning how to sew!